PILLAR AUTOMOTIVE has as its main features quality. The business process is controlled from the arrival of materials, through manufacturing, packing and shipping.
Our raw materials meet the technical specifications of the Volkswagen original part for demands such as hardness and composition.
All parts have the company name PILLAR AUTOMOTIVE stamped along its body, that ensures the part origin and provides an easier follow-up.
Throughout the manufacturing process, all parts are visually inspected and some are measured right before packing process.
At the end of the process, all parts are properly packed in cardboard boxes with the standard PILLAR AUTOMOTIVE logo, and informations such as product reference code and part origin.
All our suppliers are selected through technical visit or quality certification. We apply the same quality standard inside and outside our plant.
PILLAR AUTOMOTIVE conquered ISO 9001:2008 quality certification at the end of 2009, awarded by Germanischer Lloyd Industrial Services in Brazil.
The quality stamp confirms the consistency of our manufacturing and administrative processes, as it does for our entire supply chain.